(James et al. 2013; Markham 2014)

##   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
## 4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
## 5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
## 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa
# kmeans(iris[,1:4], centers = 2)
myGroups <- 2:20
myKmeans <- vector("list", length = length(myGroups) - 1)

sapply(myGroups, function(x){ myKmeans[[x-1]] <<- kmeans(iris[,1:4], centers = x) })
##              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]        [,5]       
## cluster      Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150
## centers      Numeric,8   Numeric,12  Numeric,16  Numeric,20  Numeric,24 
## totss        681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706   
## withinss     Numeric,2   Numeric,3   Numeric,4   Numeric,5   Numeric,6  
## tot.withinss 152.348     78.85144    71.44525    49.82228    42.16294   
## betweenss    529.0226    602.5192    609.9254    631.5483    639.2077   
## size         Integer,2   Integer,3   Integer,4   Integer,5   Integer,6  
## iter         1           3           3           3           2          
## ifault       0           0           0           0           0          
##              [,6]        [,7]        [,8]        [,9]        [,10]      
## cluster      Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150
## centers      Numeric,28  Numeric,32  Numeric,36  Numeric,40  Numeric,44 
## totss        681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706   
## withinss     Numeric,7   Numeric,8   Numeric,9   Numeric,10  Numeric,11 
## tot.withinss 47.02198    33.08052    34.50123    26.67797    26.86649   
## betweenss    634.3486    648.2901    646.8694    654.6926    654.5041   
## size         Integer,7   Integer,8   Integer,9   Integer,10  Integer,11 
## iter         3           3           3           4           3          
## ifault       0           0           0           0           0          
##              [,11]       [,12]       [,13]       [,14]       [,15]      
## cluster      Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150
## centers      Numeric,48  Numeric,52  Numeric,56  Numeric,60  Numeric,64 
## totss        681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706   
## withinss     Numeric,12  Numeric,13  Numeric,14  Numeric,15  Numeric,16 
## tot.withinss 25.6458     22.69839    21.62515    20.8116     20.49106   
## betweenss    655.7248    658.6722    659.7454    660.559     660.8795   
## size         Integer,12  Integer,13  Integer,14  Integer,15  Integer,16 
## iter         2           3           4           4           3          
## ifault       0           0           0           0           0          
##              [,16]       [,17]       [,18]       [,19]      
## cluster      Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150 Integer,150
## centers      Numeric,68  Numeric,72  Numeric,76  Numeric,80 
## totss        681.3706    681.3706    681.3706    681.3706   
## withinss     Numeric,17  Numeric,18  Numeric,19  Numeric,20 
## tot.withinss 18.83128    17.05898    15.92361    16.73973   
## betweenss    662.5393    664.3116    665.447     664.6309   
## size         Integer,17  Integer,18  Integer,19  Integer,20 
## iter         4           5           3           4          
## ifault       0           0           0           0
plot(myGroups, unlist(lapply(myKmeans, function(x){x$tot.withinss})), ylab = "Winthin ggroup SS", type = 'b')

#myMat <- matrix(1, ncol = nrow(iris), nrow = 2)
#barplot(myMat, col = c(myKmeans[[5-1]]$cluster, iris$Species), border = NA)


James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. 2013. An Introduction to Statistical Learning. Vol. 6. Springer. http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/.

Markham, Kevin. 2014. “In-Depth Introduction to Machine Learning in 15 Hours of Expert Videos.” Blog. https://www.r-bloggers.com/in-depth-introduction-to-machine-learning-in-15-hours-of-expert-videos/.

Copyright © Brian J. Knaus. All rights reserved.