vcfR documentation

Brian J. Knaus and Niklaus J. Grünwald

The functions in vcfR are designed to work on a single chromosome. Many genomes don’t actually have chromosomes but instead have supercontigs or contigs. Here I use the terms chromosome, supercontig and contig as synonyms. They make for a nice way to subset genomic data to a smaller unit, and this unit has a convenient coordinant system. Depending on the organization of your data, you may have to subset some of your files before you can use them in vcfR. Here I demontrate how I accomplish this.

Subsetting a FASTA file to one chromosome

A FASTA file for a genome typically consists of many sequences (chromosomes, supercontigs, contigs, etc.). Typically these can be read into R and subset within R. We can use the function read.dna() from the package ‘ape’ to read in our FASTA to an object of class DNAbin. We can then subset this object to a single sequence with the function grep() and a regular expression. More information on these topics can be found within R with ?grep and ?"regular expression"

dna <- read.dna("pinf_super_contigs.fa", format = "fasta")
dna2 <- dna[ grep( "Supercontig_1.1 ", names(dna) ) ]
names(dna2) <- "Supercontig_1.1"
dna2 <- as.matrix(dna2)

Using this example (with your FASTA file name and chromosome name) should result in an object of class DNAbin that consists of a single sequence. Note that I’ve used the function names() to rename the sequence. It has been my experience that genomic data files do not always include a consistent naming convention. This is how I standardize the names.

Subsetting a GFF file

Annotation files can be easily subset as well. A GFF file is simply a tabular file with the chromosome in the first column. This can also be subset with a regular expression.

gff <- read.table('gff_file.gff', sep="\t", quote="")
gff2 <- gff[grep("Supercontig_1.1", gff[,1]),]

Subsetting a VCF file

I personally like to call variants on a per chromosome basis and send each chromosome as a seperate job to our SGE system. The genome I currently work on has about 5,000 supercontigs. This means I create about 5,000 jobs and therefore split the task of variant calling into many smaller jobs. This results one chromosome per VCF file and means I do not have to subset my VCF files.

You may have to subset your VCF file. (Okay, I do too sometimes.) I suggest you do this outside of R because you may not have enough memory to read the entire file into memory. In a Unix environment this can be accomplished at the command line.

grep "^#" my_variants.vcf > header.vcf # Meta
grep "^Supercontig_1.1" my_variants.vcf > tmp.vcf # Body
cat header.vcf tmp.vcf > sc1.vcf.gz

If you’re working with compressed data it can be handled similarly.

zgrep "^#" my_variants.vcf.gz | gzip -c > header.vcf.gz # Meta
zgrep "^Supercontig_1.1" my_variants.vcf.gz > tmp.vcf.gz # Body
zcat header.vcf.gz tmp.vcf.gz | gzip -c > sc1.vcf.gz

This could also be accomplished with VCFtools (which may help Windows users as well).


You should now be able to import your VCF data with vcfR.

vcf <- read.vcfR("sc1.vcf")
chrom <- create.chromR(name='Supercontig', vcf=vcf, seq=dna2, ann=gff2)

Copyright © 2017, 2018 Brian J. Knaus. All rights reserved.

USDA Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Crops Research Lab.